Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 59

volume Number : 14
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 59

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 14، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 59

A study of the style and content of the manuscripts of “ Tazkareh Seyr-Al-Awlia “ by Mir-khord Kermani

Maliheh KarimiPanah , Amirbanoo Karimi (Author in Charge), Abolghasem Radfar


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: “Tazkareh Seyr-Al-Awlia “ was written in the eighth century AH by seyyed Mohammad Ebn Mobarak Alavi Kermani, nicknamed Mir-khord, in the biography of the elders of the Chishti sect in the Indian subcontinent . this book, in terms of antiquity and authenticity, is the source of valid memories and biographies of the history of the Chishti sect. the purpose of this article is to study the style and content of four copies of this work in three linguistic, intellectual and literary perspectives with the aim of achieving the author’s success in following the Khorasani style.

METHODOLOGY: This research is based on descriptive-analytical method.

FINDINGS: One of the features of “ Tazkareh Seyr-Al-Awlia “ is the author’s effort to follow the Khorasani style, which he has tried to be close to both in terms of words and expressions and in terms of content.

CONCLUSION: from a literary point of view, with the use of literary techniques in the field of the science of rhetoric , this work approaches poetic prose and the book is based on praise. At the linguistic level, it has multiple prose and in the lexical part, it often uses Arabic words and compounds. At the intellectual level, it owes more to its predecessors. In general, the author’s work is based on imitation.

Tadkhirah , Siyar Al Awliya , Mirkhord Kermani , Chishti Sect , Lightness and Content Analysis

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